What will your verse be?

What will your verse be?

Create your verse in lifes story

Apple has started a new iPad Air advertising campaign linking its brand to the creativity of the human soul, building up the profound life statement; We are here, we are alive, and that we have an identity capable of contributing <a verse> to this world.  The Apple advertisement, first aired during the NFL conference championship games, was narrated by Robin Williams from the movie, “Dead Poets Society”, quoting Walt Wittmans, “Oh me! Oh life!”. The powerful message ended with a simple question, “What will your verse be.”  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiyIcz7wUH0

Every human being has within them verse for the world to hear.  Many of us push it down–squash it because of ridicule and judgment, self-induced or otherwise, from those that too have a verse.  Dittyverse is a new world for the ridiculed and judged… a place for us to contribute our unique verse with the full knowing that when we all collaborate, we experience the greatest beauty of all.  We create.

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