The Eternal Poem on LinkedIn

The Eternal Poem on LinkedIn

So why would somebody decide to join Dittyverse? We can discuss the value and beauty of mass collaboration in every post but this still falls short for answering the question, why?  Many people already collaborate today using email, file sharing, content creation tools, Skype, etc… to discuss projects, create and share content and even mix new creations.  So why another new tool?  Because Dittyverse is faster, easier and more fun.  It is the same reason Instagram became so big with picture sharing.  People still need a reason.  So I went back to the beginning, to the event that started me on this Dittyverse dream.  Poetry.  Collaborative poetry with my brother.  We created verses to the tune of “Skip to my lou, my darling”.  It was great fun.  So I did the same thing again.  I created a discussion in LinkenIn Poets group called “The Eternal Poem” to connect with 7,000 poets.  In one week we have over 200 verses.  We started with no constraints.  The poem went all over the place.  Then we added constraints to encourage creativity and challenge writers.  We now have the following constraints:  1. One verse submission per comment.  2.  Verse submissions should follow the nursery rhyme, “Skip to my lou my darling”.  3.  The last line must include “skip <to, from, at, towards, with, for…> <something> my <something>.   These constraints have helped to control the creativity without limiting it, and actually help with the creative process.  The next step is to move the LinkedIn, “Eternal Poem” to Dittyverse and to create new poetic collaborations in Dittyverse.

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