We need to just get out of the way

We need to just get out of the way

I watched a great TedTalk today by Anant Agarwal called, “Why massive open online courses (still) matter”.  Mr. Argarwal spoke of the effective results from MOOCs as a framework for educating large numbers of students.  Further, he mentions five keys to success including: 1. Active Learning; 2. Self Pacing; 3. Instant Feedback; 4. Gamification; and 5. Peer Learning.  I see these same ideas in Dittyverse.

In Dittyverse users actively participate in the creating music, film, stories and poetry together thereby improving their learning through doing.  Because of Dittyverse asynchronous participation, Dittyverse users can create at their own pace in their environment that is best suited for their creativity.  Dittyverse users provide instant feedback in many ways including commenting, advising and voting.  Dittyverse turns music, film, story and poetry creation into a collaborative game by allowing the world to mix, merge and combine content from everyone else so that the collaborative creation itself is the game and the prize.  Finally peer learning is perhaps the greatest feature in Dittyverse.  Dittyverse users are creating together.  They are contributing content, mixing and merging content into Ditmixes, commenting and voting on user creations.  The Dittyverse collaborative community is the worldwide studio, stage, laboratory, classroom, playground, sandbox to discover and create together with other creators that are best position to instruct, learn, advise, contribute and play in the learning process.

Learning no longer requires four walls, rows of seating, a chalk board and a professor.   Learning requires on the passion of the masses who want to create together.  Its that simple.  We simply need to get out of the way and let the masses learn from each other.

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