Its all about connection

Its all about connection

Be part of the solution…part of the creation.

Few would argue that are current social networking landscape is loaded with applications that help use connect with our friends.  Certainly, this connection has reunitied lost families, resulted in new relationships and has even overthrown abusive dictatorships.  Social networking is very effective at broadcasting social media, and a majority of organizations and people that actively use social media believe it increases exposure, traffic, insights, fans, leads, rankings and partnerships.  In fact, recent studies by Social Media Examiner indicate that of the 3000+ marketing professionals surveyed 89% believe that social media increases exposure, 75% increase traffic, 65% believe it generates more fans, and 61% see increased leads, yet only 43% believe that social media helps improve sales .  Wow!   So all this “connecting” and yet no sale.  Why is this?

Because the connection developed through traditional social networking is still too weak to make a sale.  While there is more information and sharing, a trusted relationship is missing.

If we dig further into this reseach we see some interesting trends that support this thesis.  First the top six social networking platforms include no surprises:  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging, Youtube, Google+.  These platforms would certainly support the notion of increased exposure, traffice and connections.  But Social Media Marketeers are not seeing increased sales through these platform.  Looking further we see in the analysis that in fact marketeers are looking to increase their use of Youtube (69%) and Facebook (66%); but, look at what social media platform is #3.  Its blogging, and it was only 3 clicks away from being #1.  Further, Blogs were the #1 platform that social media marketeers wanted to learn more about.  Clearly this shows a strong interest in enhancing connection.  Social networking must become more than a broadcast platform for me telling the world who I am, what i believe and what my network looks like.  The next evolution for social networking is social creation and this is occuring at Dittyverse.

Dittyverse is a social creation platform that combines social networking with collaboration to create music and many other things like shoes, shirts, skis, hats, bracelets, sandwiches, commercials, etc… the list is endless.  The best pair of shoes are those created by your customers.  You get immediate buy in because you make your customers part of the solution instead of part of the problem to be solved.  This simple adjustment is magnificent and many organizations have already realized the value.  Aug 1, the Dittyverse begins to take the concepts of collaboration and social networking to an evolved state of creation.  We look forward to this new state.

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