From the minds of…

Let me out. Let me sing. I want to be heard.

I am a TedTalker.  I love Ted talks and believe they offer so much perspective, encouragement, wisdom and hope.  In many ways, they motivate me because of the greatness I see in every individual speaking […]


What will your verse be?

Apple has started a new iPad Air advertising campaign linking its brand to the creativity of the human soul, building up the profound life statement; We are here, we are alive, and that we have […]


Social Networking versus Social Creating

Simply put, traditional social media is fading away… slowly falling victim to over-commercialization, desensitization, and subscriber separation. Runaway hits of the social media world that sprouted up from nowhere are now facing a mass exodus. […]


Maecenas enim sapien

Maecenas enim sapien, varius sit amet erat id, tincidunt sollicitudin erat. Nullam nec nunc felis. Praesent maximus urna sit amet mauris accumsan, sed porta ipsum finibus. Morbi quis dolor porttitor, facilisis dui quis, vehicula lacus. […]


Ivamus eu tincidunt felis

Etiam metus mauris, viverra scelerisque sollicitudin eu, accumsan nec dolor. Fusce commodo hendrerit turpis quis commodo. Duis ex libero, ornare sed eros quis, facilisis bibendum ligula. Nullam nec velit risus. Donec id ligula sit amet […]

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