Author: Crett Mitchell

Let me out. Let me sing. I want to be heard.

I am a TedTalker.  I love Ted talks and believe they offer so much perspective, encouragement, wisdom and hope.  In many ways, they motivate me because of the greatness I see in every individual speaking […]


What will your verse be?

Apple has started a new iPad Air advertising campaign linking its brand to the creativity of the human soul, building up the profound life statement; We are here, we are alive, and that we have […]


We write the Song is an inspirational movement that aims to connect the world through music.  Playing For Change has traveled the world with a mobile recording studio and cameras in search of musical inspiration. They have amassed over 100 […]


Players not Spectators – Collaborate with Purpose

Mass collaboration, crowdsourcing, modularity, coauthoring, wikinomics, collective action, open source, open government, inter-connected world, orbital perspective, collective vision, etc… Whatever you want to call it, mass collaboration occurs when a bunch of people work together […]


Worldwide Music Creation

Wondagurl is a 16 year old girl who created a beat that is being used in a new Jay-Z  song.  Dittyverse is a lightweight, social creation platform where your music is offered to other artists […]

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